Here is a post Post MPFL reconstruction Rehabilitation video by Sportsmed.
Month: May 2017
Video: Post ACL reconstruction Rehabilitation
Here is a post ACL reconstruction Rehabilitation video by Sportsmed.
Video: ACL Reconstruction
Here is an ACL Reconstruction video by Dr. Anant Joshi.
Complex & Multi-ligamentous Reconstruction
ACL reconstruction is the commonest ligament surgery performed for restoring knee stability. However, the other 3 major ligaments i.e. the PCL, MCL & LCL may also tear following an injury and may need repair or reconstruction. In this article, we will talk about these three complex & multi-ligamentous reconstructions. Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) reconstructions […]
ACL Surgery
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a crucial ligament for knee stability. It primarily prevents abnormal front & back movement of the tibia (leg bone) in relation to the femur (thigh bone). How does the ACL tear?The ACL does not tear without some form of an injury. These injuries may occur during sports, road traffic accidents […]